Our lovely boy
This is the obituary for Red, one of our two rescued shop dogs: dreamer, lover and destroyer of biscuit, the unrequited friend of Skipper (they learned to tolerate each other, mostly) and best friend of printer Graham Moss. Red was much loved by friends and visitors alike, and is dearly missed. He hasn't gone over the rainbow bridge, he's watering the biscuit trees in the sunlit meadow below the Big Rock Candy Mountain.
This handmade chapbook, illustrated with a pen drawn portrait of Red by John Hewitt, is set in the first ever Monotype face, Monotype No 1, the display face is Atrax from the Bauer type foundry and the wood type on the front cover is Basuto from Stephenson Blake of Sheffield.
The hardback is covered in a gold and red paste paper made in our workshop.