How to set up an Arab platen printing press with Graham Moss of Incline Press

Graham made a short movie for the Oxford Guild of Printers a few years ago. The film was a hands-on lesson in how to set up a Arab press and operate it from beginning to end for any printing job. The techniques shown apply to anyone wanting to know more about any kind of platen press, and how to prepare the press to print metal type beautifully. This was demonstrated on the Arab Crown Folio press that Graham had bought from the widow of the man whose father bought it new in 1905, Mr Taberer, then of Nantwich. Mr Taberer was the last known jobbing printer printing in the Welsh language, primarily for Methodist churches. He had inherited the business having worked with his father, so the press was genuinely second hand and had been beautifully maintained.

This press was sold a few years ago but thanks to the generosity of Graham’s friends and followers on Instagram, it will return to the workshop during June 2024. Watch this space!