My Orcha'd in Linden Lea by William Barnes

My Orcha'd in Linden Lea by William Barnes
An attractive pamphlet with a timeless message
This poem, considering when it was written, is a rare and beautiful piece, underlining a certain freedom that was not true for most people but extolls the myth of the freeborn.
Three verses both in Barnes’ version of his Dorset dialect, and translated into English for Ralph Vaughan Williams setting to music. Barnes’ version is typeset in 14pt Garamond with the required accents; the English version is set in 16pt Fairbank.
Printed on Battersea from John Purcell Paper and hand sewn into a stiff card cover.
The title page is illustrated with Helen Moss’ engraving of apple blossom, with Bembo type and Aldine Leaves.