The Hunters; Les chasseurs; Cacciatori

The Hunters; Les chasseurs; Cacciatori
A poem by Jamie McKendrick with its translation into French and Italian
Hearing McKendrick read his poem 'The Hunters' two years ago was a moment of wonder. Printing the Incline Press edition gave that wonder an elegant afterlife. It is a striking sonnet, calling up first the hunters fresh from the chase, tired and sweaty, then their dogs, who, from the heat of the chase, have remembered their wild ancestry and a host of other creatures hunted through the years, and finally, in an elegant twist, this afternoon scene is used to conjure up the 'finer creatures' whom, hidden in a person's subconscious, are hunted in dreams 'through the night'.
McKendrick is the author of six collections of poetry: The Sirocco Room (1991); The Kiosk on the Brink (1993); The Marble Fly (1997) winner of the Forward Poetry Prize (Best Poetry Collection of the Year) and a Poetry Book Society Choice; Ink Stone (2003), shortlisted for the 2003 T. S. Eliot Prize and the 2003 Whitbread Poetry Award; Crocodiles and Obelisks (2007), shortlisted for the 2008 Forward Poetry Prize (Best Poetry Collection of the Year; and Out There (2012). His selected poems have been published in Holland and Italy.
The Hunters is printed on sixteen pages of Zerkall-Bütten paper in hand-set Lectura (English), Arrighi (French) and Centaur (Italian) metal types. It is sewn, by hand, into a beautiful handmade card from the Papeteri-St-Armand, in Montréal, Québec. The edition is limited to 150 copies, all of which are signed by the author.
The French translation is by Gilles Ortlieb and the Italian by Antonella Anedda.
Gilles Ortlieb, né en 1953 au Maroc, est l'auteur d'une quinzaine de livres (récits, poèmes, essais, journaux). Derniers titres parus: Vraiquier (Finitude, 2013) et Soldats et autres récits (Le Bruit du temps, 2014)
Antonella Anedda ha pubblicato numerosi libri di saggistica poesia. Il suo ultimo libro è Salva con nome (Lo Specchio Mondadori, 2012)