The Elusive Number Sixty-Eight by Arnold Paucker

The Elusive Number Sixty-Eight by Arnold Paucker
To Greet the New Year 2013.
This nineteenth New Year Book began life as a talk on the occassion of the naming of the Arnold Paucker Library at the Leo Baeck Institute, Queen Mary College, University of London. It recounts Arno's search for the rare sixty-eighth book in his collection of the Schockenbücherei series.
Number 68 was first published in 1936 as Die Judenbuche, The Jew's Beech Tree, written by Annette Droste-Hülshoff. It told the story of a murderer of a Jewish peddlar who committed suicide at the site of the original murder. The text succeeded in angering the Nazis who ordered the publisher to pulp the edition and replace it with another number sixty-eight. Although this was dutifully done, a few, elusive, copies survive, sent out before the edition was pulped. Arno's talk describes the series, and the title, and in particular what happened to this book. It also tells, with gentle humour, the story of how it finally made it into Paucker's collection. After Arno's death in 2016 it was given, with the rest of his significant collection of Judaeica, to the Arnold Paucker Library. A fitting resting place.
The books is 185 x 115 mm, [14] p. (unpaginated). Hand set in 12 point Sabon with Elizabeth for titling and printed on Wookey Hole mould-made paper. One facsimile bookplate by Fanny Dessau laid in. Sewn into paper wrappers. A few copies have been cased.