Randall Davies and his Books of Nonsense

Randall Davies and his Books of Nonsense
With a learned introduction by Paul Nash
The charm of Randall Davies and his Books of Nonsense is a gentle, antiquarian sort of charm. Light verse joins early woodcuts to create a wonderful confection of reading pleasure. Davies' Lyttel book of Nonsense was first published in 1912, and is a classic of the form. Philip Sainsbury's beautiful Cayme Press production A Little More Nonsense inspired us to follow suit with this long-overdue reminder of how delightful these early woodcuts are. Davies re-captions his extensive collection of woodcuts with a thoroughly modern twist long before the craze for tweeting amusing captions below early book illustrations took hold amongst the historians and librarians of our acquaintance. We've combined both books in one handsome volume that includes all the cuts with their limericks, and a new twelve-page introduction by book historian Paul W Nash, no mean versifier himself, and past master of the limerick.
The Introduction is machine set in 12 pt Garamond; limericks were hand set at the Press in 18 pt italic, and the whole printed on Wookey Hole mould made paper. The early-printed woodcut illustrations reproduced from Randall Davies' books have been printed from line blocks. The edition is of 315 numbered copies, the first 175 printed on green paper and case bound at the Press in quarter-cloth with decorated paper sides designed by Meg Held. 140 copies are printed on grey paper and sold as sets of sheets.
Special prices for bookbinders!
With its neat size (235 x 170 mm), pleasing hand, and reasonable price, this is the perfect book for hand binding. The sheets for binders are a soft grey. The book consists of ten sections of four sheets (16 pages) each.
Learn how to bind or commission your own binding from:
Designer Bookbinders UK
Society of Bookbinders published a pdf of binders around the UK (includes a few overseas)
Designer Binders also publish some links to non-UK resources
Finally NSW Guild of Craft Bookbinders and Canberra Craft Bookbinders will give Antidopean readers a place to begin, with great links to other organisations on the CCB page.
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